Noen Access/SQL prosjekter vi har gjennomført

Export/Import Data from Excel

Test-system for Veidekke

An Access/SQL/.NET system to control all components in a building process.

In connection with a building project, we were contacted by Veidekke to help them sort out all the tests they had to do. Documentation and communication between the various groups (plumber/electrician) were important points.

We made a list where they could easily filter components.

If you opened the details of the component, you could comment to others (electrician tells plumber that there is no water) and check which tests have been carried out.

Mass check – with mass check you can make a change to many components at the same time. For example, they put ‘Done’.

Prodil – a profile filters which components are to be displayed and which checklist can be ticked off.

Webapp/.NET – we also developed a web application with the possibility to tick checklists and take pictures for the comment field. That way, you can walk around the building and document on a tablet.

Produktdatabase for Boots Norge AS

A Microsoft Access/SQL project where Access is used to create forms and Microsoft SQL is used for the tables.

A list form shows products. These can be filtered and sorted.

By double-clicking on a product, you get all the details about the product.

Mass check/bulk update – In the list form, you can also mark products and change them together. The information that is the same for several products can therefore be set with one click.

Export/import to/from Excel: You can select products that are exported to Excel. In Excel, you can change the information and import back into the database. This makes, among other things, that those who do not have access to the system will have the opportunity to edit – e.g. suppliers.

Export to CSV – here Boots can export its data to text files which can then be used in other computer systems.

Visual Basic Utviklere

Visual Basic

Visual Basic er ett av program språkene til Microsoft. I Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook og Access kan man skrive program i Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) som kraftig utvider mulighetene.


De fleste flotte programmer er bygget med nettopp Visual BasicVisual Basic er tilgjengelig både i form av ren programmering som det er i Visual Studio, men også i Office pakken som en del av programmet til Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook eller Access. Det er veldig lett å lage et program i Access eller Excel. Man sparer da tid fordi mye allerede er laget. I Excel kan man bruke regnearket både for behandlig og oppbevaring av data


Det vi bruker mest tid på når vi programmerer er brukergrensesnittet. Det som brukeren skal se, trykke på eller få ut informasjon fra. Men med Excel som brukergrensesnitt vil det spare masse tid.


Vår kompetanse

Vi har mange Visual Basic programmerere som KAN det de driver med. De har vært i denne bransjen lenge nok til å gi deg den støtten / supporten du trenger. De kan gjøre ethvert prosjekt, og lage ethvert program slik du vil.

Visual Basic programmerere er blitt sjeldnere på grunn av de nye programmene som har blitt innført . Men utviklerne som jobber med dette hos oss, har jobbet i over 20 år med det.

Tidligere arbeid

Hvis du ønsker å ta en titt på våre tidligere arbeider, må du kontakte oss. De fleste av prosjektene er desktop applikasjoner og er installert hos kundene.


Vi vil gi deg den supporten du trenger. Vi vil hjelpe deg å komme gjennom prosjektet fra start til slutt. Database designprogramvarearkitektur, alt vil bli tatt hånd om av oss . Vi er i tillegg fleksible og veldig opptatt av kundens beste. Hvis krisen er ute jobber vi dag og natt til deres beste.



Noen kunder har supportavtale for å sikre rask support til drifts-kritiske datasystemer. Kontakt oss


Visual Basic is a native programming language. This means that Visual Basic has its own language for what a program should look like. All programs have, for example, If ... Then or variables, but if using Visual Basic, the language for this must be the way they define.

Good Visual Basic developers can be difficult to find. Simply because many system developers today only want to work with other programming languages. We specialize in system development with Visual Basic. With more and more new technologies and new programming languages that are being introduced, people forget this part.

Most great applications are built with just Visual BasicVisual Basic is available both in the form of pure programming as it is in Visual Studio, but also in the Office package as part of the program for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook or Access. It’s very easy to create an application in Access or Excel. You save time because a lot has already been made. In Excel, you can use the spreadsheet both for processing and storing data.

What we spend the most time on while programming is the user interface. What the user should see, click or retrieve of information. But with Excel as a user interface it will save a lot of time.

We have many Visual Basic programmers who CAN what they are dealing with. They have been in this industry long enough to provide you with the support you need. They can do any project and make any program the way you want.

Visual Basic programmers have become less frequent due to the new programs that have been introduced. But the developers who work with this with us have been working for over 20 years with it. We are confident even to create an ERP system if you want. You can contact us with your eyes closed. You will not be disappointed.

If you would like to take a look at our previous work, please contact us. Most of the projects are desktop applications and are installed at the customers.

We will give you the support you need. We will help you get through the project from start to finish. Database design, software architecture, everything will be taken care of by us. In addition, we are flexible and very keen on the customer’s best. If the crisis is there we work day and night in their best interest.


Definer en tabell i Excel



Definisjonen på en tabell i Excel er at cellene inneholder data som knytter de sammen. Det betyr at det ikke må være noen tomme rader eller tomme kolonner. Men bortsett fra det trenger man ikke overskrifter for å ha en tabell i Excel. Man trenger heller ikke å “Sette inn en tabell” slik man kan fra Sett inn-menyen, men det er jo andre fordeler med det.

Hva er en tabell

Skriv tekst i to celler under hverandre og skriv én tekst i kolonnen til høyre for én av disse. Dette er en tabell. Du kan sortere den, filtrere den og gjøre andre kompliserte operasjoner man kan med tabeller i Excel.[:en]


The definition of a table in Excel is that the cells contain data that links them together. This means there must be no empty rows or empty columns. But apart from that, you do not need headlines to have a table in Excel. You do not have to “Insert a table” as you can from the Insert menu, but there are other benefits to this.

What is a table

Type text into two cells underneath each other and type one text in the column to the right of one of these. This is a table. You can sort it, filter it and do other complicated operations you can with tables in Excel.[:]